RECIPE : Cheese Frittata with 1057 Scottish Cheddar Cheese

We celebrate Mothers Day in Scotland on Sunday, 27th March 2022. It’s a day when we say thank you to our mums, mothers, mams, mammies, step-mums, people we call mum and our mother figures we have in our lives.

My mum was the most supportive, caring, encouraging person I have ever known. All my harebrained schemes she’d wholeheartedly listen too and find ways to either redirect me or help me pursue it. She was incredibly kind, extremely funny and exceptionally creative. And there isn’t a minute that goes by that I don’t think about her - I now just have to explain those harebrained schemes to her in a prayer rather than face to face.


Mothers Day is a day of joy and spoiling your mum, so here is one of my all time favourite recipes that I use to make my mum (just so she could smother it in broon sauce haha) the Cheese Frittata.



1 x large onion

8 x baby tomatoes

Block 1057 cheddar cheese

4 x sausages (your choice)

6-8 rashers of streaky bacon

4 large organic eggs

Salt and pepper

You can use red peppers, mushrooms, spring onion etc as additional ingredients or swop them out.


  • Slice up your bacon rashers into thin strips

  • Remove the skins from the sausages and tear the sausage meat into bite sized chunks

  • Slice up an onion and pop into the frying pan with a little oil and butter to lightly brown and caramelise

  • Once the onions start to take on brown edges, add the sliced bacon and sausage meat bites and cook these off

  • Grate at least half a block of 1057 Scottish Cheddar Cheese - more if you want it super cheesy

  • In a separate bowl whisk up the four eggs

  • Once the bacon, sausage and onions are all cooked, pour the egg mixture over these ingredients in the pan. Keep the heat on the pan throughout so that the mixture cooks from underneath

  • Cut the baby tomatoes in half and place them onto of the mixture in the pan

  • Sprinkle all the cheese over the mixture

  • Once the mixture is cooked underneath, you’ll feel that the frittata is loose in the pan; this is when you transfer the pan to the grill so that it can cook the top of the frittata, melting and grilling the cheese

Once the frittata is completely cooked, it’ll be easy enough to slide out the pan straight onto a serving plate.

You can serve with is a nice side salad for brunch or just on its own for breakfast. Another really easy and versatile recipe for you - switch it up using already cooked chopped potatoes, garlic or black olives. This recipe is Gluten Free too!

1057 Cheddar Cheese can by purchased from Amazon HERE