PRODUCT : Strawbar Spirit

A new spirit has entered the market and I hope that you will soon see this on bar shelves everywhere. It packs a strawberry punch and adds the beautiful sense of Summer to cocktails.

Welcome Strawbar!



Strawbar is distilled entirely from strawberries that grow in the north west of Greece. The organic strawberries are tiny so they pick, sort and wash them by hand. They are nutrient rich and fill of antioxidants so not only do they make a liqueur from them, but the byproduct gets made into organic skin creams and scrubs. Nothing is wasted!

They have two spirits - the Origin which is 40% ABV and Platinum which is 45% ABV.

I was sent a bottle of the Strawbar Origin and I played around a little with it. I made a cocktail which I am calling the Strawbar Scot and also made some Boozy Strawberry Jam. This little bottle is extremely versatile, sitting nicely in the kitchen or the bar!

Here is my recipe for the STRAWBAR SCOT COCKTAIL (pictured)


30ml Strawbar
4 strawberries
Lemonade to top up
Strawberry garnish


Muddle the strawberries at the bottom of the glass, add ice (optional), followed by Strawbar and top up with Lemonade. Garnish with a strawberry. It's strawberry Fizz with a wee tang!

Another great suggestion for a refreshing drink is to have this will gingerale. Super simple, refreshing and perfect for a hot Summers day.

Strawbar is a great liqueur and the first thing that hits you is the smell of strawberries; deep, fruity, ripe, sunshine grown strawberries! You'‘ll love it.

Strawbar is new to the UK but you can purchase it online from Novel Wines